Saturday, December 15, 2007

chicken hat goes to the opera

The Metropolitan Opera, that is, where the chicken hat enjoyed Romeo et Juliette.

Juliette (Anna the Treb) got out of the gate on a screechy sour note, on her very first line, but chicken hat is happy to report that she warmed up after that and so no cackling was necessary.


Michael5000 said...

Cinnamon Bear says: "Maybe I should keep records of my adventures in a blog. The human women are always coming on to me on my MySpace page."

fingerstothebone said...

Cinnamon Bear can't be seen by people not on MySpace...bad move...

Michael5000 said...

He got confused:

fingerstothebone said...

Hmmm...cinnamon bear seems to be quite well traveled. Chicken hat is quite envious.

Michael5000 said...

Well, he turns 32 next week. Chicken Hat's a baby!

Bridget said...

Wow! Chicken hat has her own blog! cool!